A reproduction swept-hilt rapier. Research caried out by Greig Watson. It’s closely based on two late 16th century Italian originals, one held in the National Museum of Scotland collection in Edinburgh (ref. 1884.281) and a very similar one in the Glasgow Museums collection (ref. 1911.29.fi).
Final design drawing ©feestspada.com 2017

Total length: 125cm
Blade length – measured from cross : 110.5cm
Point of balance – measured from cross): 14.5cm
Weight: 1.32kg
Blade cross-section – diamond with thick central ridge
(width narrow, only around 2 at forte)
Total width of cross (both quillons): 23.5cm
Length of grip: 9.8cm
Length of pommel (without button): 4.3cm
Diameter of pommel across centre: 3.4cm